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[On The Cover!] [About Us]

[Tests Vs Specifications] [Agitator is Not a Test Generator] [Violent Agreement]

Alberto Savoia
[How much test coverage do you need? - The Testivus Answer] [The Way of Testivus] [Testing Genes, Test Infection, and the Future of Developer Testing] [InfoWorld's Jon Udell Interviewed Alberto Savoia] [The Developer Testing Paradox] [eXtreme Feedback for Software Development] [Eating Our Own Dog Food — Using Agitator™ on Itself] [Selecting Developer Testing Metrics] [Managed Developer Testing]

Ashish Kumar
[Flock let's you blog directly from the browser?] [Are you an Agitator?] [Handy eclipse trick for importing classes into existing project] [Sustaining Legacy Code] [Needs and Wants] [The Developer Testing Burden]

Bob Evans
[Crap4j 1.1.6 Released] [Configuring CruiseControl the CruiseControl Way] [Crap4j v1.1.4 Released, Available as an Ant Task now] [Crap4j 1.1.3 released] [Presentation tonight at BayXp] [ACCU Presentation] [JavaOne 2007!] [SD West Talk: To Catch a Bug, You Have to Think Like a Bug] [Mocks Aren't Stubs by Fowler] [Floyd's Turing Lecture on Paradigms in Software] [Domain Specific Language with a lifespan of 2 hours -- or basic data munging] [Finalizers and with-open-file or] [An Interesting Forum Happened on the Way to the Home] [Test Driven Life] [JavaOne Followup] [JavaOne]

Continuous Integration
[April: Minneapolis: Build Engineer Bootcamp & CITCON] [Cross-browser testing with SafariWatir and FireWatir] [CruiseControl 2.8 Released] [CruiseControl 2.7.2 Released] [Register for CITCON Denver] [Webinar: Making the Business Case for Continuous Integration and Testing] [Continuous Integration at JaSST'08 Tokyo] [Configuring CruiseControl the CruiseControl Way] [CITCON Sydney Registration At 100!] [CruiseControl 2.7 Released] [Are You Mad at Your CI Build?] [Open space conference format Rocks] [CITCON Dallas, Open Spaces, Conversations] [Webinar: Continuous Integration and Testing] [Final Days to Register for CITCON Dallas 2007] [CITCON Dallas Registration Open] [CruiseControl 2.6.1 Released] [CruiseControl 2.6 Released (Finally!)] [Final Days to Register for CITCON London 2006] [CITCON London 2006 Registration Open] [Put Your CC config in Version Control] [Seeking Brave Alpha Testers (CC 2.6)] [ Martin Fowler's "Continuous Integration" Updated] [Want to Hear My Continuous Integration Talk This Week?] [Karl's Tinderbox Corner] [Integrating Agitator and CruiseControl] [CruiseControl 2.5 Released] [testtools for Pythonists] [Continuous Integration at Better Software Conference] [Clicker Trained by Continuous Integration] [Jolt Award and Alistair Cockburn] [Project Dependencies Using Ant] [CruiseControl 2.4.1 Released] [CC, CI and CA in Asia-Pacific] [Sharing Pre-configuration] [Template Projects with CruiseControl 2.4] [Invitation to Continuous Integration and Testing Soiree] [CruiseControl Goodies] [Shipping It] [CruiseControl 2.2] [More Unlikely Heroes] [Pragmatic Project Automation] [CruiseControl Turns 2.1.5]

Developer Testing
[Hoorah for XSLT!] [JUnit Factory is a Jolt Award Finalist!] [qu’ils mangent de la brioche] [In Praise of Abstraction] [The Commitment Principle] [Dream Quote] [Presentation tonight at BayXp] [CITCON Sydney Registration At 100!] [ACCU Presentation] [JavaOne 2007!] [Scorecard for Bowling Scorer] [How much test coverage do you need? - The Testivus Answer] [The Way of Testivus] [What Color Are My Tests?] [Triangular Honey from Triangular Bees] [Web Technology Cheat Sheets] [Good development depends on good testing] [Coding in Public] [Characterization Test Failures] [Spare!] [How Are Those Characterization Tests?] [How Are Those Acceptance Tests?] [SD West Talk: To Catch a Bug, You Have to Think Like a Bug] [Strike!] [Characterization Tests Revisited] [How does the Score Sheet Look?] [Are We There Yet?] [First Design Your Data Structure] [In which we design the score card] [Testing Around the Edges] [A game of tenpins consists of ten frames] [Acceptance Test for Bowling Scorer] [Bowling for Objects] [EclipseCon and Ward Cunningham] [CITCON Dallas Registration Open] [EclipseCon Panel on Developer Testing] [Mocks Aren't Stubs by Fowler] [Floyd's Turing Lecture on Paradigms in Software] [Final Days to Register for CITCON London 2006] [Build Failures Policy] [Webinar: Test-Driven Development in J2EE, with J.B. Rainsberger] [Failing tests shouldn't always break the build] [Old metrics never die] [Dos Equis Driven Design is Not About Beer] [Put Your CC config in Version Control] ["The lesson of the bloat trochar and the rulebook"] [Webinar: What to Do if Your Code Has Few, If Any Tests?] [Test vs Spec or ForAll vs ThereExists] [A Recipe For Making Developers Write Tests] [Software Development Learning from the Spacecraft Business] [Shameless Plugs] [Inspired by A Thought Inspired by the CSS2 Specification] [Cheat Sheet for Interview Candidates] [Tips for being a good interviewee] [Stop: The Bar is Green] [Rules for Unit Tests] [Open Quality Data in the Annual Report?] [InfoWorld's Jon Udell Interviewed Alberto Savoia] [Sustaining Legacy Code] [The Monty Hall Problem] [Needs and Wants] [Failures in Unit Testing] [The Developer Testing Burden] [Blind Spots, Frequent Testing, and Software Agitation] [A Bad Day With Continuous Integration] [The Feng Shui of Developer Seating] [Kent Beck, Google and Expert Panel videos from Developer Testing Forum] [TDD and Agitation] [Creating a Value Type for Validation (revisited)] [Testing HTML Pages] [Fight Complexity with Complexity] [Violent Agreement] [Why Is Software So Hard To Test?] [Continuous Integration, Continuous Agitation] [Project OPLA, or: How We Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Agitator™]

DT Economics
[Survey on Business Benefits of Unit Testing] [Crap4j 1.1.6 Released] [Visualizing Complexity and Coverage] [No Software Heuristic for Implementability and Testability] [Dream Quote] [Webinar Replay: Business Benefits of Unit Testing] [Floyd's Turing Lecture on Paradigms in Software] [Late Notice on Webinar] [Tests as Double Entry Bookkeeping] [Measuring Quality] [That dirty little secret about programmer productivity]

[Cross-browser testing with SafariWatir and FireWatir] [Final days to register for CITCON Amsterdam] [Mundane excellence in software, intensive care, and bombing missions] [Crap4j 1.1.6 Released] [CITCON Europe 2007 Starts Today] [What Jar? NoClassDefFoundError] [106 Books Meme] [Coverage for Nothing] [At Agile2007] [Twitter as a Replacement for Beer] [InfoWorld Review and Open Source Example] [Are you an Agitator?] [Wiki Blog Community] [Fast Start at JavaOne] [At JavaOne This Week] [CITCON Dallas, Open Spaces, Conversations] [Dell XPS Showing JUnit Status] [Jolted!] [At SDWest Expo] [Avoid Shallow Eyes] [Testing Genes, Test Infection, and the Future of Developer Testing] [Lessons From The Long Road Home?] [STeP-Ing Out of Bangalore] [Give it up for fallibility] [In the path of Pagan Raiders] [SDBP: Clean Code by Robert Martin] [In Boston for SDBP] [Green Shift is Bull Shift] [BayXP Summary of Agile 2006] [University Credit for Learning About XP] ["The lesson of the bloat trochar and the rulebook"] [Refrigerator Code or Girl Code or ...] [Ed Gibbs is My New Hero] [Project Dependencies Using Ant] [Headless Hello World at EclipseCon 2006!] [So you want to build a spice rack?] [Influence of Other Languages on Design] [Open Quality Recognized] [Show Me Your Tabs and I'll Tell You Who You Are] [Ruby, Rails, Eclipse and a Link to Remember] [Dogs and Doorknobs] [Headless Hello World in Eclipse] [Joel (Still) Doesn't Know XP] [Shipping It] [JavaOne] [Alberto will present at the Silicon Valley Java Users Group] [BayXP User Group Meeting at Agitar's Office] [Live blog from the Developer Testing Forum.] [DeveloperTesting to cover Kent Beck presentation at Developer Testing Forum with live blog] [Individual Weblogs] [Reflections on SDForum Agile Summit] [JavaOne Pictures] [History of Iterative Development Methods]

Individual Weblogs
[Mocks Aren't Stubs by Fowler] [Floyd's Turing Lecture on Paradigms in Software] [Individual Weblogs]

Jeffrey Fredrick
[April: Minneapolis: Build Engineer Bootcamp & CITCON] [Cross-browser testing with SafariWatir and FireWatir] [CruiseControl 2.8 Released] [Final days to register for CITCON Amsterdam] [Mundane excellence in software, intensive care, and bombing missions] [New Blog:] [CruiseControl 2.7.2 Released] [Register for CITCON Denver] [Webinar: Making the Business Case for Continuous Integration and Testing] [Survey on Business Benefits of Unit Testing] [Continuous Integration at JaSST'08 Tokyo] [Visualizing Complexity and Coverage] [CITCON Europe 2007 Starts Today] [What Jar? NoClassDefFoundError] [106 Books Meme] [No Software Heuristic for Implementability and Testability] [Coverage for Nothing] [Dream Quote] [At Agile2007] [Twitter as a Replacement for Beer] [InfoWorld Review and Open Source Example] [CITCON Sydney Registration At 100!] [CruiseControl 2.7 Released] [Wiki Blog Community] [Are You Mad at Your CI Build?] [Fast Start at JavaOne] [At JavaOne This Week] [CITCON Dallas, Open Spaces, Conversations] [Webinar: Continuous Integration and Testing] [Final Days to Register for CITCON Dallas 2007] [Dell XPS Showing JUnit Status] [Jolted!] [At SDWest Expo] [Avoid Shallow Eyes] [EclipseCon and Ward Cunningham] [CITCON Dallas Registration Open] [EclipseCon Panel on Developer Testing] [CruiseControl 2.6.1 Released] [Webinar Replay: Business Benefits of Unit Testing] [Late Notice on Webinar] [Lessons From The Long Road Home?] [STeP-Ing Out of Bangalore] [On the Flat Road to STeP-IN] [CruiseControl 2.6 Released (Finally!)] [This Week in Germany] [ONE Reason for Not Blogging] [Final Days to Register for CITCON London 2006] [SDBP: Clean Code by Robert Martin] [In Boston for SDBP] [Green Shift is Bull Shift] [BayXP Summary of Agile 2006] [Webinar: Test-Driven Development in J2EE, with J.B. Rainsberger] [CITCON London 2006 Registration Open] [University Credit for Learning About XP] [Dos Equis Driven Design is Not About Beer] [Seeking Brave Alpha Testers (CC 2.6)] [ Martin Fowler's "Continuous Integration" Updated] ["The lesson of the bloat trochar and the rulebook"] [Want to Hear My Continuous Integration Talk This Week?] [Integrating Agitator and CruiseControl] [Finally Making it to XtC] [Free Coffee at JavaOne] [Attending JavaOne?] [A Plot for CVS -> SVN Migrations?] [Mocking a Singleton] [CruiseControl 2.5 Released] [Webinar: What to Do if Your Code Has Few, If Any Tests?] [Tests Vs Specifications] [testtools for Pythonists] [Refrigerator Code or Girl Code or ...] [...The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work Is An Object] [Continuous Integration at Better Software Conference] [Agitator is Not a Test Generator] [Ed Gibbs is My New Hero] [Clicker Trained by Continuous Integration] [EclipseCon: Want More Headless Eclipse?] [Honestly Subjective Performance Reviews] [Jolt Award and Alistair Cockburn] [Project Dependencies Using Ant] [CruiseControl 2.4.1 Released] [Quick Update from Tokyo] [CC, CI and CA in Asia-Pacific] [Software Development Learning from the Spacecraft Business] [Sharing Pre-configuration] [Template Projects with CruiseControl 2.4] [Headless Hello World at EclipseCon 2006!] [Invitation to Continuous Integration and Testing Soiree] [So you want to build a spice rack?] [CruiseControl 2.4 RC3] [How to Spend Time in London?] [CC, CI and CA in London, Antwerp and Stockholm] [Headless Hello World at EclipseCon 2006?] [New Goal: Refigerator Code] [Inspired by A Thought Inspired by the CSS2 Specification] [Show Me Your Tabs and I'll Tell You Who You Are] [TDD is about Testing?] [XP Stages of Acceptance] [Tests as Double Entry Bookkeeping] [Ruby, Rails, Eclipse and a Link to Remember] [Stop: The Bar is Green] [Cockburn, Goal Displacement, and Running Tested Features] [Dogs and Doorknobs] [Patterns for Iteration Retrospectives] [CruiseControl 2.3 Available] [John Carter Reflects on a PRS Section Number] [Rules for Unit Tests] [Relentless Testing and The XP Oath] [Headless Hello World in Eclipse] [Joel (Still) Doesn't Know XP] [CruiseControl Goodies] [Shipping It] [Brian's Lisp programmer rant] [Failures in Unit Testing] [A Bad Day With Continuous Integration] [The Feng Shui of Developer Seating] [XSL, Whitespace, and a Link to Remember] [Scott Adams, Agile Pioneer] [Murphy's Law and NASA] [Changing Machines Like Reusing Code?] [CruiseControl 2.2] [More Unlikely Heroes] [Pragmatic Project Automation] [Reflections on SDForum Agile Summit] [XPeriment Findings] [In Tests We Trust?] [Test-Driven Development and Agitator-Driven Refactoring] [CruiseControl Turns 2.1.5] [Violent Agreement] [The XPeriment] [Continuous Integration, Continuous Agitation] [Project OPLA, or: How We Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Agitator™]

Karl Pauls
[Karl's Tinderbox Corner]

Ken Koster
[Go faster with dynamic languages, but for how long?] [Give it up for fallibility]

Kent Mitchell
[TDD Reflections from the UnitSide]

Kevin Lawrence
[Hoorah for XSLT!] [JUnit Factory is a Jolt Award Finalist!] [qu’ils mangent de la brioche] [In Praise of Abstraction] [The Commitment Principle] [Scorecard for Bowling Scorer] [What Color Are My Tests?] [Triangular Honey from Triangular Bees] [Web Technology Cheat Sheets] [Coding in Public] [Characterization Test Failures] [Spare!] [How Are Those Characterization Tests?] [How Are Those Acceptance Tests?] [Strike!] [Characterization Tests Revisited] [How does the Score Sheet Look?] [Are We There Yet?] [First Design Your Data Structure] [In which we design the score card] [Testing Around the Edges] [A game of tenpins consists of ten frames] [Acceptance Test for Bowling Scorer] [Bowling for Objects] [Do Not Read This!] [In the path of Pagan Raiders] [Build Failures Policy] [Failing tests shouldn't always break the build] [Failing tests shouldn't always break the build] [Old metrics never die] [Put Your CC config in Version Control] [Test vs Spec or ForAll vs ThereExists] [A Recipe For Making Developers Write Tests] [Humane Interface or Minimal Interface ?] [Shameless Plugs] [Utility Functions as a Code Smell] [Influence of Other Languages on Design] [What's the Use of Coverage] [Wacky Design Ideas] [Interviews in a Blink] [Cheat Sheet for Interview Candidates] [Tips for being a good interviewee] [Grow Your Harness Naturally] [Creating a Value Type for Validation (epilog)] [The Monty Hall Problem] [Is it Wise To Aim for 100% NTF ?] [Rude Applications] [What is Agile Testing ?] [TDD and Agitation] [Creating a Value Type for Validation (revisited)] [Testing HTML Pages] [Measuring Quality] [Fight Complexity with Complexity] [Why Is Software So Hard To Test?]

Managed Developer Testing
[Visualizing Complexity and Coverage] [What's the Use of Coverage] [Failures in Unit Testing] [Oozing Confidence] [Pragmatic Project Automation] [eXtreme Feedback for Software Development] [Eating Our Own Dog Food — Using Agitator™ on Itself] [Selecting Developer Testing Metrics] [Managed Developer Testing]

Patrick Smith
[Using Mock Objects Effectively]

Research in Testing
[Visualizing Complexity and Coverage]

Rob Heiser
[Good development depends on good testing]

Test Driven Development
[Mocks Aren't Stubs by Fowler] [Floyd's Turing Lecture on Paradigms in Software] [Webinar: Test-Driven Development in J2EE, with J.B. Rainsberger] [Dos Equis Driven Design is Not About Beer] [Mocking a Singleton] [Refrigerator Code or Girl Code or ...] [...The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work Is An Object] [Utility Functions as a Code Smell] [New Goal: Refigerator Code] [TDD is about Testing?] [Test Driven Life]

The XPeriment
[XP Stages of Acceptance] [Cockburn, Goal Displacement, and Running Tested Features] [Patterns for Iteration Retrospectives] [Relentless Testing and The XP Oath] [XPeriment Findings] [In Tests We Trust?] [Fight Complexity with Complexity] [Test-Driven Development and Agitator-Driven Refactoring] [The XPeriment]

Vandana Shah
[Open space conference format Rocks]