August 27, 2005 - CruiseControl 2.3 Available

After a lot of work and a few false starts CruiseControl 2.3 has been released. Read on for some highlights or just go get it here.

Major new features:

Major bug fixes:

New plugins:

I had recently upgraded our internal CC servers to a release candidate build and I must say that the ability to add and remove projects without restarting the server is very welcome. I also updated out configuration to take advantage of the ability to detect modifications using CVS rlog instead of CVS log. For us this meant a huge reduction in the traffic to our CVS server, for no longer did every build have to use the CVSBootstrapper to pull any new directories before checking for modifications.

I'm thrilled we got the release out! Now I get to go get some sleep...

Posted by Jeffrey Fredrick at August 27, 2005 02:42 AM

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