October 05, 2005 - Tips for being a good interviewee

1. If you are interviewing for a company that makes tools for developer testing you should probably know something about developer testing.

2. If you are interviewing for a position that requires

3+ years of experience creating J2EE tools or platforms (not just using J2EE technology)
you should probably know something about J2EE.

3. If your resume says that you know JDBC, you should probably know how to get a connection and how to execute a query. I don't even care if you have never used JDBC but, if your resume says you know JDBC, you should probably know something about JDBC.

Posted by Kevin Lawrence at October 5, 2005 12:01 PM

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I've interviewed someone who had "XSL-FO" in her resume. XSl-FO wasn't at all relevant for the job, but since I happen to know XSL-FO I thought it was a nice ice breaker. Her first reaction was "XLSLS-F-WHAT?" What is it? So a another rule should be "If you say you know X, you should know it's on your resume"

Posted by: julio on October 5, 2005 06:51 PM

I will have an interview asking questions in many fields&i want to be well prepared for that

Posted by: sara on March 31, 2006 11:33 AM

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