February 26, 2006 - Quick Update from Tokyo

For people curious about how I spent my day in Tokyo, but hopefully not that curious because there's more omitted than reported.

Staying at the Royal Park Shiodome Tower where I must say they have a very nice kit of free stuff. One of the items is "Body Reset", a name that had me curious enough to google it, which led me to this blog. So for those consumed with curiosity about what my sink in Tokyo looks like, you can once again sleep at night.

Saw some really excellent pictures of birds at the Fuji photo salon in Ginza. This was a real treat because it is just the sort of out of the way place I'd never find without a guide, which in this case was Mirek, a person who clearly knows a thing or two about photography himself. While the photos themselves were excellent also on display was the remarkable output from the Fuji Crystal Archive technologies, the results of which were stunning.

After that we went to Harajuku, walked about in the rain and did some people watching, for which there was no lack of fodder. Fur-trimmed pumps? In the rain??

Dinner was a Baden Baden where we a Japanese take on German food and maybe a little bit of beer, very very little. No really. Ok, maybe not really.

Posted by Jeffrey Fredrick at February 26, 2006 03:05 PM

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