I would like to introduce myself as a new Agitator. I am Bob Evans and I am working on some of the next product features for the Agitator.
I really like Test Driven Development, and Agile methods. That's part of what brought me to Agitar.
I also like good music, smart people, and hiking. Turn offs include polyester, stale chips, and people who gave AI a bad name in the early 90's by overhyping it's potential. If I win, I would use my position to create the perfect developer testing solution because I believe it would solve world peace....
Oh wait.. wrong blog. Extract that paragraph, it goes in my Mr. TestAmerica pageant blog. (This year they made all the contestants keep a blog during the competition in addition to the normal coding, evening wear, and talent competitions.)
So, I actually wanted to write this entry to let everyone know I will be speaking at JavaOne, and that Agitar will have a booth there. I invite you to come visit us.
I will have two technical sessions at JavaOne. They are not directly related to Agitar, as I submitted these talks before coming to Agitar. However, they are topics that seem useful to many programmers. I invite you to come check them out and I am always interested to meet other programmers, and in particular those using our products.
The two sessions:
Title: BoF 9840 - A Script for More Powerful Java Applications
Time: Tuesday 8:30pm
Presenter: Bob Evans
Content: It is about strategies for adding scripting support into existing applications.
Title: TS-6116 - Write Once, Plug Everywhere
Time: Wednesday 9:45am
Presenter: Mark Howe (Borland) and Bob Evans
Content: This talk looks at our experience writing plugins for Netbeans, Eclipse, and JBuilder. We share what opportunities we found for reuse and what strategies we came up with in cases where that was not possible.
Look for more test-related talks at events in the future. In the meantime, hope to see you at JavaOne. And don't forget to register for next year's Mr. TestAmerica contest.
Posted by Bob Evans at June 25, 2005 11:27 AM
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"A Script for More Powerful Java Applications "
I would like to see a detailed write up on that one. Keep up the blogging, you blog is one of the ones that I like looking for in my rss reader.
Posted by: Michael on June 25, 2005 02:14 PM