With the code for strikes written, it's time to run the acceptance tests to see if they agree that we are done.
There are only a handful of failures and two of them are about spares - which we have not implemented yet.
When I investigate the cause of the first failure I notice that the test for 12 strikes is only rolling 10 strikes:
public void twelveStrikesScoresThreeHundred() {
for(int frame = 0; frame < 10; frame++) {
assertThat(scoreForFrame(10), is("300"));
No harm done though. I fix the test; it passes and I move on.
The other strike-related failure,
fails with
java.lang.AssertionError: thirdBallInFrame is not implemented yet at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:69) at bowling.acceptance.SingleGameScoring.notImplementedYet(SingleGameScoring.java:304) at bowling.acceptance.SingleGameScoring.thirdBallInFrame(SingleGameScoring.java:289) at bowling.acceptance.SingleGameScoring.tenthFrameHasThreeBallsIfStrikeIsScored(SingleGameScoring.java:259)
and after I hook up thirdBallInFrame
, that test passes too.
Cool! On to spares...
Posted by Kevin Lawrence at March 20, 2007 04:50 PM
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