July 10, 2007 - CITCON Sydney Registration At 100!

I'm very excited that with two weeks remaining before the conference we've reached the 100 mark for registrations for CITCON Sydney. This is our fourth CITCON event but our first in Australia, so it is great to see so many people registered. We'll take up to 150 so if you're interested in attending, it's not too late to register. The conference will be July 27th and 28th, Friday night and then all day Saturday.

Btw, if you're not familiar with the Open Space conference format you might want to read this description. If you're still not sure if this format or event is for you, you might want to see what people have posted about past CITCONs on the web, or read the feedback from Dallas earlier this year.

Posted by Jeffrey Fredrick at July 10, 2007 11:23 PM

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