December 08, 2005 - CC, CI and CA in London, Antwerp and Stockholm

Tomorrow I head out on my first ever european adventure, flying to London to spread the word about Continuous Integration and Continuous Agitation using CruiseControl. You can catch me on the morning of the 13th in London (location and registration here), on the 14th I'll be speaking at JavaPolis in Antwerp, and on the 15th in Stockholm (location and registration here). I'm hoping these events will attract some of the people I've interacted with on the CC mailing list and maybe even some blog readers. As a special bonus to my loyal readers, if you have a particular question you want answered go ahead and ask it here and I'll try and work it into my presentation. See you there!

Posted by Jeffrey Fredrick at December 8, 2005 09:35 AM

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» How to Spend Time in London? from Developer Testing
I'm about to head to SFO to catch Virgin Atlantic Flt. 20 to LHR, and I'm feeling mostly prepared for the business end of things... so now it is time to think of how to handle my personal time. I've... [Read More]

Tracked on December 9, 2005 01:05 PM


I'd be keen to go, but I won't be able to make it on the Tuesday. However, if you're looking for something to do on the Monday night, drop into the London 2.0 christmas party. It should be a big one this year, as the Java mob are joining up with the various gear heads from Ruby/Rails/Python/Django/TurboGears/Perl/Catalyst/Maypole/Groovy/etc

Details are at


Posted by: Joe Schmetzer on December 9, 2005 02:03 AM

Cool! I had been bummed about missing XtC but this will make a nice alternative. I'll be staying near St. Paul's so it looks like a short walk will do me...

(And thanks too for anticipating my next blog entry.)

Posted by: Jeffrey Fredrick [TypeKey Profile Page] on December 9, 2005 06:38 AM