March 16, 2007 - Are We There Yet?

My last post ended with this bold assertion:

If I am not mistaken, I have written enough code to pass the acceptance tests for this story.

My first attempt at running the tests -

java.lang.AssertionError: firstBallInFrame is not implemented yet
- reminds me that I first need to hookup the adapter methods.

    public void hookUpAdaptorMethods() {

      assertThat(gameOver(), is(false));
      assertThat(numberOfFrames(), is(10));
      assertThat(firstBallInFrame(1), is("0"));
      assertThat(secondBallInFrame(1), is(""));

    protected String firstBallInFrame(int frameIndex) {
      return getFrame(frameIndex).getFirstBall();

    protected String secondBallInFrame(int frameIndex) {
      return getFrame(frameIndex).getSecondBall();

    private Frame getFrame(int frameIndex) {
      int counter = 1;
      for (Frame frame : game) {
        if(counter++ == frameIndex){
          return frame;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad frame : " + frameIndex);

My second attempt gives a different surprise:

java.lang.AssertionError: Expected: is "-" got : "0"
. D'oh! I am not done! Gutter balls need to be shown as "-". Back to the unit tests.

  public void gutterBallShouldBeDash() {
    assertThat(frame.getFirstBall(), is("-"));

The code to make that pass is...

    private String formatBall(Integer ball) {
      if (ball == null)
        return "";
      else if(ball == 0){
        return "-";
      else {
        return ball.toString();

After I change the '0' for a '-' in hookUpAdapterMethods(), I see a whole bunch more failures:

Oh yes, scoring...that's was kinda the whole point of this exercise. I should add up the scores...

      public void shouldShowTheScoreForCompletedFrame() {
        assertThat(frame.getScore(), is("9"));

      public String getScore() {
        return Integer.toString(firstBall + secondBall);


      public void shouldNotShowTheScoreForIncompleteFrame() {
        assertThat(frame.getScore(), is(""));

      public String getScore() {
        return needsMoreBalls()
               ? ""
               : Integer.toString(firstBall + secondBall);

...and now we get to the tricky stuff. Frames only know their own scores but the spec wants me to show the cumulative score. What if I use a recursive definition of the frame score?

frame score = previous frame score + first ball + second ball

I can implement that by giving each frame a reference to the previous frame. Here's the test...

      public void shouldAccumulateTheScoreFromPreviousFrame() {
        Frame nextFrame = new Frame(frame);


        assertThat(nextFrame.getScore(), is("14"));

...and to make it pass, I need a new constructor...

      public Frame(Frame previousFrame) {
        this.previousFrame = previousFrame;

...I'll extract a method to get the accumulated score...

    public String getScore() {
      return needsMoreBalls()
             ? ""
             : Integer.toString(getCumulativeScore());

    private int getCumulativeScore() {
      return firstBall + secondBall;

...and add in the value from the previous frame.

    private int getCumulativeScore() {
      int cumulativeScore = firstBall + secondBall;

      if(previousFrame != null){
        cumulativeScore += previousFrame.getCumulativeScore();

      return cumulativeScore;

To make it work for Game, I can hookup the previousFrame reference as I construct each frame. Here's the test and the change to the initilization of frames:

      public void frameScoreShouldAccumulate() {

        Iterator<Frame> frames = game.iterator();

        Frame frameOne =;
        assertThat(frameOne.getScore(), is("3"));

        Frame frameTwo =;
        assertThat(frameTwo.getScore(), is("10"));

      public Game() {
        frames = new ArrayList<Frame>();

        Frame frame = null;
        for(int i = 0; i < FRAMES_PER_GAME; i++) {
          frame = new Frame(frame);

There are still two failing acceptance tests:

For the last remaining failures, rather than bore you with every key stroke, I'll just show you the completed test and code.

      public void gameShouldShowCurrentScoreAfterEachBall() {
        assertThat(game.getScore(), is(9));


      public int getScore() {
        return getLastFrame().getCumulativeScore();

      public Frame getLastFrame() {
        return frames.get(frames.size() - 1);

It turns out that everyFrameShouldShowTheFrameIndex was not actually necessary - because the UI code takes care of the frame index and we are not testing the UI - so I just got rid of it.

I run the acceptance tests again and now, finally, all the failures are about spares and strikes.


I am done with rule 2.1.2. Now, how do spares and strikes work?

Posted by Kevin Lawrence at March 16, 2007 03:05 PM

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