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April 2006 Archives

Apr 30, 2006  –  A Plot for CVS -> SVN Migrations? Anyone who's active on a SourceForge project is probably well aware of the lengthy CVS outage that started over a month ago... more >>
 –  Mocking a Singleton Over on the TDD mailing list there is a thread about mocking a singleton. There are a few good suggestions given but the best answer (imho) is that provided by Michael Hill:
Mocking a singleton is relatively easy.

To begin with, singleton's are all alone in the world; don't be afraid to point this out. Also, most singletons are created, get this, not even in a factory, but merely in a factory method. Finally there is the point that they are little more than dressed-up globals, and IME experience cause more heartache than they're worth. You can point to the many nasty screeds about singletons there are out on the net. All in all, mocking it shouldn't be too hard. A word: if your singleton has unusually large body parts, stoop to insulting that. Sometimes, to be kind, you have to be cruel.
Apr 27, 2006  –  CruiseControl 2.5 Released

CruiseControl 2.5 has just been released and it has two huge bug fixes:

  • Updated Xerces and Xalan jars to fix memory leak (CC-426)
  • ProjectWrapper: Fix problem where forcing a build while build is running will effectively kill the worker thread leading to all projects queued but not building (CC-431). Patch by John Lewis.

Along with those bug fixes there are a few new plugins:

  • ClearCaseBaselinePublisher: New publisher for use with ClearCase UCM (CC-414). Submitted by Kevin Lee.
  • LDAPMapper: Email mapper that uses an LDAP lookup to determine user email addresses (CC-413). Submitted by Esa Laine.
  • Maven2SnapshotDependency: New sourcecontrol (CC-438). Contributed by Dan Rollo with fixes by Jerome Lacoste.

So what are you waiting for? Go get it...

Apr 21, 2006  –  Webinar: What to Do if Your Code Has Few, If Any Tests?

Next week Agitar is hosting Ted Husted of the Struts development team (and iBATIS and MyFaces and Jakarta-Commons) in a webinar on What to Do if Your Code Has Few, If Any Tests?. I'm curious to hear what Ted has to say but his talk illustrates the kind of trade-off that exist as our company grows. One the one hand we can having interesting speakers and topics like this, but on the otherhand we're now scheduling the webinars for a global audience, so the scheduled times (7 am and 5 pm PDT) probably work better in just about every other timezone than this one. (</whine>)

Apr 13, 2006  –  Test vs Spec or ForAll vs ThereExists

Brian Marick says that tests are not specifications but I believe there is a more fundamental distinction.

more >>
Apr 12, 2006  –  Tests Vs Specifications Reading Brian Marick's post on Tests and Specifications made me wonder about how to describe the assertions in Agitator. They certainly are of the form Brian describes:
In math geek terms, specifications are universally quantified statements, ones of the form "for all inputs such that <something> is true of them, <something else> is true of the output." Tests are constant statements, ones with no variables. They look like this: "given input 5, the output is 87."
This distinction comes into play when we use TDD with Agitation. The tests help us move forward one case at a time and then Agitiator helps us review if we've accurately captures the specification of the system, or if we've missed boundary cases. It is a shift from the "There Exists" to the "For All" mindset.
Apr  9, 2006  –  testtools for Pythonists While still basking in the afterglow of CitCon I read a message by fellow attendie Kumar McMillan introducing the new open source (LGPL) python module testtools. Kumar said:
The main focus is fixtures but it also has some helpers for creating continuous integration scripts. This was all designed around subversion post-commit hooks and there is even a handler for you to run a SimpleXMLRPCServer.
Documentation of the 7 submodules is here.
Apr  1, 2006  –  Refrigerator Code or Girl Code or ...

It doesn't matter if you call it Refrigerator Code or Girl Code or Beautiful Code or simply Clean Code, the meme is out there that is isn't enough to say the code works and then leave it at that. Even if you find yourself unmoved by Kathy's aesthetic arguments you should weigh Uncle Bob's assertion that "keeping your code clean is not just cost effective; it’s a matter of professional survival."