March 31, 2008 - Introducing... State Coverage

The other software metric to come out of Agitar, CRAP is simply too much fun. So David Kao (a former Agitar intern) and I decided to take the levity down a notch.* The result?

State Coverage!

State coverage is complementary to plain-old-code-coverage. It tells you what state does not get checked by tests. For instance, it will flag all those assert-less JUnits your colleagues have been writing to hit their coverage quotas.

I'll be at ICSE 2008 giving demos on a prototype state coverage tool. Come by and check it out if you'll be there.

*Actually, reduction of levity is not one of the goals of state coverage. And the development of state coverage actually predates CRAP, so we could hardly have developed it with humor abatement in mind. But, paradoxically, talking about levity reduction has the opposite effect in me, so I've let myself get carried away.

Posted by Ken Koster at March 31, 2008 12:41 PM

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