May 07, 2007 - Scorecard for Bowling Scorer

JUnit Factory has a new feature - project dashboards - and I thought I'd try it out on my bowling code.

JUnit Factory will now run your tests and generate a dashboard on the server. Unfortunately - until we figure out how to reliably run tests that interact with the file-system, open sockets, start threads and otherwise violate the recommendations of the great master Flying Feathers - JUF will only run generated tests.

By modifying my hand-written tests to extend AgitarTestCase, I was able to trick JUF into running my TDD tests too. Here's what I got - Dashboard for Bowling.

If you have the latest JUnit Factory plugin, you can generate a dashboard for your own project by following these steps:

1. Select your project in the Eclipse Package Explorer
2. Click the Generate Dashboard generate button in the toolbar

Your dashboard will be hosted on so don't publish a dashboard unless you really want your project to be visible on a public website.

Posted by Kevin Lawrence at May 7, 2007 02:36 PM

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